The almando Multiplay Prinicple

What looks like a small unimpressive box turns out to be a clever and sophisticated solution. For everyone who really has been looking forward to listening to the sound of his Lowe television or the music of his iPod on his Bang & Olufsen speakers there is a simple and also brilliant solution – and all of that without an additional remote control or docking station. For the almando® Multiplay Stereo breaks open systems which are designed in a self contained manner by the manufacturer.

The small box acts as an intelligent audio switch with Powerlink connections and is available optional with or without SPDIF input. It offers compatibility to B&O systems and also to Apple Airport Express or Sonos Connect. Therefore it resembles a highly flexible and multifunctional solution for a lot of problems with audio installations.

Here are now two out of more than hundred possible applications which came to our mind:

Hardware variation also without SPDIF input (3) available as almando Powerlink-Switch Stereo


Hardware variation also without SPDIF input (3) available as almando Powerlink-Switch Stereo